Rotary Interact and Rotaract Service Projects Awards Program
Rotary District 7890 is seeking applications from Interact and Rotaract Clubs to assist them with implementing service projects.  Funding for these projects is made available because of a generous donation from PDG David Mangs to the Rotary District Charitable Fund, a 501(c)(3). The grant awards are $1,000 for each club project. Each club is limited to one grant award annually.
This fund provides support for service projects initiated by Rotary International’s youth programs:  Interact Clubs that include members up to 18 years of age and Rotaract Clubs that  include members over 18 years of age.  Club projects should be focused on Rotary International’s areas of focus including:
  • Fighting Hunger
  • Disease prevention and treatment
  • Maternal and child health
  • Basic education and literacy
  • Community economic development
  • The environment
For information on the service project awards program, please contact:
Prasad Menon at
The project application is available by clicking on the link to the left.
Completed applications including the sponsoring Rotary Club President’s signature to:
For information on the Interact and Rotaract programs please go to or