ShelterBox reached 200,000 people in 2020, bringing the total served since our founding twenty years ago to over 1.7 million people sheltered. We could not have reached them without the club and district support like yours. Your sustained help enables up to be better prepared to respond quickly and efficiently to reach families when disaster or conflict damages or destroys their home. Here is a link to our 2020 Year in Review wp-content/uploads/2020/12/ 2020-YEAR-END-FINAL-COM.pdf
District 7890 is being recognized for your help over our first 20 years as being one of the Top 20 all-time Rotary District supporters of ShelterBox USA! This is a cumulative total from clubs and other district giving. Your certificate of appreciation is attached.
If you did not get a chance to attend our virtual event “An Evening to Experience ShelterBox” you can watch it here. The event includes reports from around the world and stories from those we serve.
On behalf of ShelterBox President Kerri Murray, our Board of Directors, staff, volunteers, and especially the families we’ve helped, thank you!
Bill Tobin
Rotary Relations Manager
ShelterBox USA
ShelterBox USA